Please scroll down to see all the questions and answers. If you have additional questions, send them directly to Daniel and we’ll add them here.

Are pets allowed?

Unfortunately, the venue doesn’t allow pets. We’re sorry but you’ll have to leave your furry friends at home.

Are children allowed?

Yes! Bring your babies, and we’ll teach them Ultimate.


There is no dress code. But you can help us commemmorate the occasion by wearing creative and colorful attire for the Saturday ceremony and reception. Dress wild! The more extravagant and ugly the better.

Oh behave!

The event will be on grass. Do not wear stiletto heels. Prefer high-performing footwear or bring a change of shoes, such that your celebrate to your fullest ability. See Camping for helpful attire for the whole weekend.

Running Course

The Off the Grid 5k will be Sunday at 9 AM. The race starts and ends at the stone flower. It goes around the Path of Life Garden and adjacent farm in a clockwise direction. Run two laps.

Starting at the Stone Flower, run clockwise on the perimeter gravel road that goes around the deluxe tents. Continue past the reception tent. Do not cross the railroad tracks. Never during the race will you cross the railroad.

Next you’ll turn onto a path in the woods and cross a stream that divides the Path of Life Garden and the neighboring farm. Take a left out of the woods to continue around the perimeter of the farm, going around the solar farm.

Continue around the entire farm, staying to the left, except not crossing the railroad. When exiting the garm, The path onto the lower bridge to return from to Path of Life garden is narrow. The bridge is slanted and slippery. Use caution.

Continue along the grass road in the Path of Life garden. If it’s your second lap, stop at the finish line.

Off the Grid 5K running course superimposed on aerial imagery

Final notes

We can’t wait to see you in just a couple days at the Loveroo Club wedding. It has been an exciting time in the Upper Valley region, with a major storm causing erosion and downed trees. The dam upstream of the Path of Life Garden hit outflows of 19,000 cubic feet per second, compared to a historical median of 3,000 on this day. The moon is poised to go full buck on Friday night to ring in the festivities. And Amtrak resumed passenger service on its historic Vermonter line, so attendees can expect twice daily train sightings.

Where do I shower?

There are two shower stalls, which operate using solar bags provided by the Outfitters. There is also a cold water shower at the shop. The Connecticut River is also quite clean and refreshing at this latitude. Please note that the facilities are minimal in general.

How can I help?

We’d love your help in making our wedding special. Here are some examples of ways you could assist, inspired by actual invitees!

If you’d like to offer a skill or lend an item, let us know in your RSVP or by email. See also the volunteer spreadsheet, where you can add yourself with “Suggest Changes” mode.

Can I bring a +1?

If we were aware of a likely +1, we probably named them in your invite or sent them a separate invite. If we didn’t, you can still list them as part of your party in the RSVP form or ask us separately. And we will confirm that the additional guest doesn’t exceed capacity restrictions.

Who helped build the website?

Huge thanks to our dear friend, Silvia Canelón, for creating this beautiful website. And Trang’s sister Ngọc for creating the invitation video.

Who can make it?

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  will_attend          n
  <chr>            <dbl>
1 Can't make it 😭    26
2 Yes!!!             109
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  will_camp n_camps
  <chr>       <dbl>
1 Maybe          13
2 No             38
3 Yes            58

Who’s doing what?

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  activity                    participation
  <fct>                               <dbl>
1 Friday River Trip                      55
2 Friday Potluck Dinner                  83
3 Saturday Lunch                         92
4 Saturday Ceremony                     109
5 Saturday Dinner & Reception           109
6 Sunday Off-the-grid 5K Run             66

What did you write us?

Who’s responsible?